5 Ways To Get More Out of Narcotics Anonymous Meetings

Twelve-step addiction recovery programs such as Narcotics Anonymous have helped millions of addicts turn their lives around and overcome substance abuse. Going to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings allows you to connect with and hear stories from other recovering addicts who share similar struggles as you. NA meetings can also help you learn new tips and tricks for staying clean long-term.

If you or someone you care about is suffering from drug addiction, understand it’s never too late to get help. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to learn more about nearby drug rehab and detox centers that can help you or your loved one overcome addiction.

Have you decided to overcome addiction with help from NA? Here are five ways to get more out of NA meetings and experience a more enjoyable, fulfilling recovery.

Don’t wait Until It’s Too Late.

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1. Join the Right Group

There are usually several NA meeting groups in every city so you can choose the right group for you based on factors such as average member age, and whether you feel comfortable being around a certain group. For example, if you’re an 18-year-old overcoming addiction, you may benefit most from joining a group comprised of other teens and young adults in your same age group.

To get more out of NA meetings and recovery, join an NA group with individuals you feel most comfortable opening up to and learning from.

2. Get an Amazing Sponsor

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings

Having a supportive sponsor will help keep you motivated in NA.

An amazing NA sponsor will guide you through the 12 steps and help you stay on track with sobriety. An amazing sponsor will offer you support every step of the way, and be there to help when you’re feeling low or ready to relapse. After joining NA, work on finding a sponsor you feel comfortable confiding in and going to for help.

3. Actively Participate in Meetings

Shortly after joining NA, you may feel shy, embarrassed, or nervous about sharing your personal story about addiction with the group. This is normal, and generally expected during your earliest days of NA.

However, sharing your personal stories at NA meetings can help boost your recovery, and give other NA members insight as to how they can overcome their own struggles. Make a habit of actively participating at NA meetings so you can bond more closely with fellow recovering addicts and experience a safer, more comfortable recovery.

4. Ask For and Accept Help

The NA community exists to help recovering addicts stay sober and achieve lifelong sobriety. If you’re having a particularly bad day and feel like using, or simply need help navigating the 12-step program, don’t hesitate to ask for help. NA will offer you all the support you need to avoid relapse and stay clean.

5. Make Meetings a Priority

Hold yourself accountable for going to NA meetings several times per day or week, including on days you feel like using again. Addiction recovery experts suggest making a list of NA meeting times and dates so you can spontaneously attend a meeting when you feel like turning to drugs or alcohol. This places you in a safe environment away from substances.

NA meetings can be a great source of the support and companionship you need as you navigate the 12 steps along the path to improved health and lifelong sobriety.

If you’re struggling with addiction, understand that help is just one phone call away. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to speak with a drug abuse counselor about your options for nearby drug rehab centers and Narcotics Anonymous meetings that can help.

the Take-Away

To truly reap the benefits of Narcotics Anonymous, it takes more than just showing up to the meetings.